One on One Deep Dive
One on one somatic Deep Dives offer focused time and support to explore one or two specific topics such as attachment insecurity, tending burnout or integrating resilience practices in your daily life.
In sessions, we collaborate; I am there to facilitate and support you in connecting with your own inner knowing while offering loving guidance and witness. With a wide variety of somatic modalities at hand, we will work to find the right inlet and pathways for you and your embodied healing.
Deep Dives are four months long and tailored to meet you and your needs exactly where you are. During our time working together we commit to meeting weekly and to staying present with your goals. In addition to weekly meetings with me you also have access to a weekly drop in space for somatic practice with others if you wish to attend. You can learn more about that here.
Over the past four years of one on one work I’ve found the most benefits from short term focused work with time off from coaching for integration. I also believe that group work or dyadic work is hugely supportive and I encourage folks to try a Somatic Pod or Attachment Pair after a Deep Dive. Because most of our relationships exist within a community or group, Somatic Pods and Attachment Pairs allow for practice integrating new skills in more realistic social dynamics. Group work also makes it easier to implement what you’ve learned into relationships outside of coaching.
While many folks are more accustomed to one on one work, I see Deep Dives as preparation from group and dyadic work. I have been humbled by the beautiful growth and healing that takes place when someone moves along this trajectory.
Deep Dives Include:
+Sixteen one to one somatic coaching coaching sessions tailored to you and your goals.
+Twenty-four community practice sessions.
+Two month post Deep Dive integration plan.
Total Cost: $4000 - $5000
**We will decide together where you best fit on this sliding scale.
“In a world turned upside down, it's a precious (and necessary) gift to find the bridges which support our deepest listening. In sessions with Scarlet, I feel well held, deeply connected, and utterly un-judged. Scarlet's powerful ability to hold intuitive space with loving presence allows me to access the truth which spans the distance between what I ‘feel' and what I 'know'. bodily and spiritually.”